I love Japan very much, and I want to live there. So, I was wondering what would be the best major for someone who wants to work there, and not as an English teacher. I sorta' considering either computer science or Marketing, but I really need to find a major that has a good outlook for Americans in Japan.
Japan - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
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To be honest, the most lucrative fields are in Finance, Information Technology, and Engineering. Of course the fields that I have listed are very broad, but they are the ones that provide the best opportunities for you if you want to be respectably employed in Japan. Of course, in order to work in such fields in Japan, you have to be very fluent in Japanese.
3 :
IT / computers. But it has to be something a Japanese can't do.
4 :
You can visit Japan as a tourist over and over again. You are welcome any time. BUT, no Japanese wants foreigners to live in Japan as a resident. I hate to say this. But this is the truth.
5 :
I.T, Engineering, Banking and finance, science and technology to name a few. Since this is your future, it is best to study each area and see where you best fit or like the most. Listen to what Area52 just said as some Japanese don't want foreigners in their land. This kind of phenomenon is common in all countries (not just Japan) so bear this in mind if/when immigrating
6 :
You don't have to be an english teacher but if you had a Bachelor of Education, man, everyone would love you and you have so many job options. If you aren't sure... go to www.gaijinpot.com and look at what the options are for high paying jobs. One of the best I have seen is translators. If you can have a Bachelor in Japanese Language or a Masters in Linguistics for Japanese language, you would be able to work with movie stars and government people/famous people with translating and get paid bucket loads.
7 :
I have heard some hospitals in Japan are hiring English/Japanese Speaking foreigner, but you have to be living in Japan before you can apply. If you're between ages 18-25 (30 in some cases) you can get a part time jobs with a Working Holiday Visa, but these are only for select countries. (Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan, United Kingdom) To get most jobs, you need someone to hire you and bring you into the country.
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