They're not sold in the stores. Anyone know of a Japanese company that will deliver them mail order?
Other - Food & Drink - 5 Answers
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1 :
80% of artichokes worldwide come from California, and that I know of I don't think you can get them very easily or cheaply in Japan.
2 :
There are two kinds. Jerusalem artichokes are tubers and .. um .. the other kind (lol) are the fleshy base of a large flower like a thistle. You can buy artichoke hearts in cans (no doubt on the internet). The Jerusalem kind is easy to grow (too easy!) - it's a kind of sunflower. I would be surprised if you can't find it in Japan. It can be eaten raw or lightly cooked and has a delicate flavour which would work well in Japanese cuisine. Maybe you have identified a niche :)
3 :
♡Is there a Kinokuniya: or Sakagami: in your area? If so, try looking there. They often carry things general markets don't and lots of imported goods. They are a little pricey though. Good luck, hope you can find them!♡
4 :
Artichokes are sold in large Vegetable/Grocery stores in major Japanese cities. The artichokes are shipped from Castroville, California to Japan. Strawberries, lettuce, cauliflower and other veggies are shipped from Salinas, California to Japan too.
5 :
your white and you live in japan? amasing!
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