Saturday, August 7, 2010

Is the military the best way to live in Japan

Is the military the best way to live in Japan?
Is it better to kill two birds with one stone and live in Japan while in the Navy while letting them pay for my education or just stay put in the US and finish my education?
Military - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
if you are not rich yes its a great opportunity
2 :
You never know where you will be stationed in the military. If you are talking about being in college or taking classes while you are active duty, this also can be compromised. Since education seems to be the important thing for you, stay in the States and finish school.
3 :
The last time I was there in 1986 it was about three bucks for a six ounce coke out of a machine. If you can afford their economy go ahead but in the Navy is about the only way not to live on the street and beg for yen or a spare egg roll while you're in school.
4 :
Why would you want to live there?

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